No one deliberately set fire to Rahul Anand’s house

আপডেট: August 13, 2024 |

The student quota movement took the form of a demand for the fall of the government. Sheikh Hasina has left the country by resigning in the face of the student crowd.

After the news came out, the people of the country were filled with joy.

On the same day (last August 5), incidents of arson, vandalism and murder also occurred in different parts of the country. One of those incidents was the vandalism and arson at the house of singer Rahul Anand of Jal Gan band at Dhanmondi 32.

In this incident, about 3000 instruments of the singer were burnt to ashes. Initially, it was believed that miscreants set fire to the house in a planned manner.

Rahul Anand also spoke to the media about the matter. He said that he came out of the house with his wife and children in one cloth.

Rahul Anand’s house was attacked and set on fire by many people including people from the culture sector.

But now it sounds different. No one deliberately set fire to Rahul Anand’s house.

Miscreants set fire to the Bangabandhu Museum located at Dhanmondi 32. And that fire spread to Rahul’s house. The fact has been confirmed from the Facebook page of the water song band.

In this regard, Rahul Anand’s family friend Farhana Hamid wrote in a Facebook post, “Rahul Anand’s house was not set on fire, looted or vandalized.

The fire was set in 32 “Present Bangabandhu Museum and part of its future plans” section. Rahulda lived on rent in a one-story house.

On one side is their family, on the other side is the water song studio (I have seen many people talking about this house in many videos). That house was privately owned. 32 has many more such homes there.

Unfortunately for Rahul Da and his family, this illustrious house was next to the walls of the new museum and behind Santur, so his house was also set on fire.’

He also wrote, ‘They would not have given this family a chance to get out like this if they set fire to Rahul Da. And if you don’t give a chance, it’s impossible to get out of that house.

The fire in Rahul Dar’s house has nothing to do with Rahul Dar’s religion, caste, caste, culture. So please don’t spread such rumours. In this situation of the country, any rumor can take a terrible form.

We become conscious. A family, a group’s long pursuits, a child’s childhood, everything has been burnt to ashes. And don’t let anyone burn anything.

Let love come down to people’s hearts, if you are by their side, I will sing along with the song of water again – “You will not find such a country anywhere / She is the queen of all countries, my homeland.”

Finally, he wrote with a request, ‘Each musical instrument of water song is made by hand over a long period of time and is known to almost everyone. If someone finds it somewhere, for some reason, I request you to return it.’

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