Anti-discrimination student movement coordinator gave 10-point instructions to the students

আপডেট: July 13, 2024 |

Anti-discrimination student movement coordinator Nahid Islam gave 10-point instructions to the students participating in the ongoing movement demanding quota reform.

He gave these instructions in a Facebook post on Saturday (July 13). Here are his instructions for the readers.

How to conduct the movement-
1. Create a separate coordinating committee to organize all those who are coordinating the movement in universities, colleges, districts and cities. Allow everyone, regardless of group, to participate. Create leadership that is acceptable to all and take decisions through deliberation. However, for the sake of the movement, controversial or political questions may arise, do not put such a person at the leadership level.

2. Do not make the movement dependent on a single or core leadership. Always have alternate leads ready. Even if there is trouble over the initial leadership, the movement will not be abated. Try bringing a new look to leadership.

3. Be organized internally, but don’t give the movement any organizational form. The committee is only to maintain order. So that the spontaneous character of the movement is maintained. But be careful that no party intrudes and sabotages it. The movement will always be peaceful and non-violent.

4. Cooperate with the law enforcement agencies at the venue where the program is to be held. But all decisions will be made by you. No compromise can be made.

5. Try to move collectively. Students of all educational institutions in the district or metropolis should create coordination among themselves. And try to have a big gathering together.

6. Collectively resist any harm or threat to anyone. don’t be afraid Don’t back down. Come forward and speak. There is no secret here. Our demands and statements are clear and logical.

7. Involve university and college socio-cultural organizations. Include cultural events in the programme. Liaise with district and metropolitan civic organizations. Do extensive mass communication through miking and leaflets prior to the program. Circulate from room to room in the hall, to the library.

8. Maintain good relations with media and journalists. Speak clearly in front of the media, so that it is consistent with the main message. Do not give such statements or slogans in programs and media that are not related to the movement.

9. Try to keep the program in coordination with Dhaka. Those who will use the banner of ‘anti-discrimination student movement’ must discuss with Dhaka.

10. Direct crowdfunding to raise money. Do not use any online medium. Maintain regular accounts of funds and clear accounts to coordination team. Do not take money from any organization. Don’t take too much money from anyone. Do not accept financial support from anyone with political interests.

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