Obaidul Quader will sit in a meeting with the teacher leaders who are on strike

আপডেট: July 3, 2024 |

Road Transport and Bridges Minister and Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader will hold a meeting with the teacher leaders who are on a complete strike to demand the withdrawal of the ‘discriminatory notification’ related to the universal pension scheme. The meeting will be held on Thursday (July 4) morning. On Wednesday (July 3), Bangladesh University Teachers Association Federation Secretary General and Dhaka University Teachers Association President Professor Dr. Nizamul Haque Bhuiya confirmed this. He said, Obaidul Quader had given us a meeting time this evening. But later he fixed it on Thursday morning. We teacher leaders will meet him and present our demands. If our demands are accepted, we will withdraw from the strike movement. Otherwise the movement will continue. Incidentally, the Bangladesh University Teachers’ Association Federation held a press conference on May 20 to demand the withdrawal of the ‘discriminatory notification’ related to the universal pension scheme and the continuation of the previous pension scheme. In continuation of this, on May 26 at 11:30 a.m., university teachers formed a human chain in 36 universities across the country, including Dhaka University. After this, a half-day strike was observed across the country for two hours on May 28 and three days on June 25-27. Later, a complete strike was observed on June 30 and the total strike started from July 1.

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