About 40 people were killed in Mali by terrorists attack

আপডেট: July 3, 2024 |

Armed terrorists have carried out a terrible attack in the West African country of Mali. About 40 people were killed in this attack. The attack took place in the central part of the African country, a region where terrorist groups have been active for years. Reuters reported this information in a report on Wednesday (July 3). About 40 people have been killed in an attack by unidentified gunmen on a village in rebel-held central Mali, local officials said on Tuesday. The attack took place in Dziguibombo village of Mopti region on Monday. The area is also among several regions in northern and central Mali where terrorist groups linked to al Qaeda and the Islamic State have been active for more than a decade.Bankus Mayor Moulaye Guindo said there was a very serious attack, armed men surrounded the village and started shooting people. He was unable to specify the death toll, but two local officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said about 40 people were killed in the attack. It should be noted that Mali, one of the largest countries in the African continent, is very poor. In addition, Mali is the epicenter of the ongoing conflict between various armed groups across the Sahel region. Over the years, clashes with militants in the country have killed thousands of soldiers and civilians and displaced nearly two million people.

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