5 people were killed by a deadly explosion occurred at a restaurant in Turkey

আপডেট: July 1, 2024 |

A deadly explosion occurred in a restaurant in western Turkey. 5 people were killed. Besides, at least 63 others were injured. Associated Press reported this information in a report on Monday (July 1). According to the report, on Sunday (June 30), a propane tank (gas) exploded in a restaurant in the western Turkish city of Izmir. The road was reduced to rubble as a result of the explosion. Several nearby buildings were also damaged. Dozens of rescue workers were immediately sent to the scene, Interior Minister Ali Yarlikaya said in a post on social media. Izmir Governor Suleiman Elban visited the injured at the hospital. He said that 40 of the injured have already been released. According to the local police, a suspect who may be responsible for the incident has been detained. The man replaced the gas tank with a new one on Saturday.

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