Joya is my shopping guide when visiting Bangladesh : Arindam Sheel

আপডেট: July 1, 2024 |

Actress Jaya Ahsan has spread her fame beyond the borders of Bangladesh. He has given several Indian Bengali movies. This talented actress also made her debut in Hindi cinema last year.Jaya Ahsan made her debut in Indian Bengali cinema in 2013 with the movie ‘Awart’. It was directed by Kolkata-based actor-producer Arindam Sheel. Today is Jaya’s birthday. On this special day, Arindam Sheel wrote about Jaya in an Indian media. Let’s take a look at Jaya Ahsan through the eyes of this actor-producer—July 1 is Jaya’s birthday. As an actress, she has come a long way, I feel good. Many people know that Jaya’s first movie (Awart) in Far Bengal was directed by me. So today, on the occasion of his birthday, I am remembering many old things. Actress Jaya Appar is now a familiar face to Bengali audiences. But in today’s article I want to start with the unknown story of how I found him. I try to select actors from the beginning thinking about the character and not the star. That’s how Jaya was chosen in the movie ‘Awart’. I was looking for an actress for the role of ‘Charu’ in Bengal. But I can’t find a lonely, innocent, calm face for the character anywhere. Then some friends from Bangladesh told me about Joya. That is the year 2010. I remember standing on the balcony of my house and called Jaya. ISD was very cost effective in mobile back then. Jaya told me, ‘Dada, I am shooting far away from Dhaka. I am sending you some samples of my work. You take a look. Then we will talk.’ The script of the movie ‘Awart’ was made for almost two and a half years. The movie was released in 2013. So, as I was talking about, several days passed after that phone call with Jaya. By that time I had seen some of his plays in Bangladesh. My decision to take him in the movie was final then. Jaya and I used to regularly read ‘Sine’ on the phone. I used to discuss. He shared his opinion. How much did our phone ISD cost in those two years! My first meeting and talk with him in Dhaka after everything was over. Sitting in the office of a producer and director in Dhaka, I read the entire script of the movie to Jaya. I remember at that time I had to endure a lot of criticism for ‘casting’ a Bangladeshi actress in the movie. There was no OTT back then. In words, the two artists of Bengal did not work together. Jaya is a new face there. But I proceeded by understanding some things from my ‘instinct’. Later, after the release of the movie, my decision was proved to be correct. I remember an incident from a later time. There is a lot of debate about that. Her kiss scene with Anirban (Anirban Bhattacharya) in the movie ‘Eagle Eye’! I used to see that Jaya could concentrate on acting without caring about those things. Not to mention an incident about Jaya. The last day of shooting of the movie ‘Awart’. The location flat belongs to my friend Harsh Neotia. Work will start after lunch break. Suddenly one of my assistants came and said, ‘Dada, come quickly. Jayadi is crying a lot!’ As I ran, I saw tears running down Jaya’s eyes. He said with a pitiful face, “Dada, father is no more!” I immediately asked him to go back to Dhaka. But what Jaya told me, I still remember clearly. He said, ‘Dada, if we don’t finish shooting today, it will cause a lot of damage. I do the scene.’I was shocked to hear him. I don’t know what to say, I kept silent for a while and stopped him from doing that too. I immediately arranged for him to return to Dhaka. After informing Harsh, he said, ‘The house will be kept.’ After everything was settled, Jaya came to Kolkata and we finished the shooting of the movie. This is Jaya Ahsan. Jaya has worked with almost every good director of Tollypara after the movie ‘Awart’. He can work hard for character. And while acting, one of his views fascinates me. That is, always asking the question, “Dada, are you doing acting?” Have you ‘behaved’?” Jaya is literally a ‘director’s actor’. Works with mind. Respectful of work. Being on the shooting floor, one forgets what is going on in the outside world. Acting, acting and acting is his last word!

Joya is my shopping guide when visiting Bangladesh. Jaya takes me wherever good sarees and dresses are available. His mother’s hand cooking is amazing. He knows what I like to eat. So when I came to Calcutta, Jaya used to bring my mother’s lankar pickles and roasted meat for me. That taste is hard to forget.

I have done only two works with Jaya. It has been almost 12 years. I want to work with him again. Jaya is also willing to work with me again. But as long as I am not able to create a strong lead character for him as a director, I also want to wait.


I am very proud of Jaya. As an actress, she has surprised us again and again. He will have to go a long way. My birthday wishes, may Jaya be happy and peaceful in her family life. I want him to do better work in the future. I am looking forward to start a new job with him very soon.

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