U.S has supplied 10,000 bombs of mass destruction to Israel since the Gaza war began

আপডেট: June 29, 2024 |

The Biden administration has sent large amounts of weapons to Israel since the war in Gaza began. Including more than 10,000 bombs of mass destruction 2000 pounds and thousands of Hellfire missiles. Two US officials made the announcement at a briefing on an updated list of arms shipments.Reuters reported this information in a report on Saturday (June 29).The officials, who were not authorized to speak publicly about the arms shipments, told Reuters that since the start of the Gaza war last October and in recent days, the United States has dropped at least 14,000-pound MK-84 bombs, 6,500 rounds of 500-pound bombs, 3,000 Hellfire precision-guided air-to-ground missiles, Dropped 1,000 bunker buster bombs, 2,600 air dropped bombs and other weapons.Although officials did not say when these shipments were made, it is clear from the weapons total that there has been no significant break in US military aid to allies, despite international calls to limit arms deliveries and the US administration’s recent decision to suspend a shipment of powerful bombs to Israel.Experts say the contents of the arms shipments give an idea of ​​what Israel will need to replenish the supplies used in its eight-month-long military campaign in Gaza.”While this number of weapons could be exhausted relatively quickly in a major conflict, the list clearly reflects US support for Israeli allies,” said Tom Karako, a weapons expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.He added, “The weapons listed will be used by Israel in the fight against Hamas or in a possible conflict with Hezbollah.” The report on the number of weapons supplied contains the latest and most comprehensive statistics on weapons sent to Israel since the start of the Gaza war.Israel and Iran-backed Hezbollah have been exchanging fire on the border since the Gaza war began. In recent days there have been fears of an all-out war between the two sides.The White House declined to comment on the arms shipment, Reuters reported. Israel’s embassy in Washington also declined to comment.One US official said the shipment was part of a larger list of weapons sent to Israel since the Gaza conflict began. A senior Biden administration official told reporters on Wednesday that Washington has shipped $6.5 billion worth of arms to Israel since Oct. 7.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has recently claimed that Washington is blocking arms supplies. US officials have repeatedly denied this. However, they have admitted some ‘obstacles’ in sending the shipment of arms. The Biden administration suspended a shipment of 2,000 pounds of bombs last May, worried about the consequences of powerful bombs in Gaza’s densely populated Rafah area. However, US officials have confirmed that all arms deliveries will continue.International outrage has grown against Israel’s indiscriminate military operation in Gaza. Because according to the information of the Ministry of Health of Gaza, the number of Palestinians killed in the ongoing Israeli attack since October 7 has exceeded 37 thousand. The Philistine territory was reduced to a virtual ruin in this war which lasted for more than 8 months.The United States provides its longtime ally Israel with $3.8 billion in annual military aid. US President Joe Biden has warned Israel several times that he will place conditions on military aid if Israel fails to protect civilians in the Gaza war and facilitate the entry of more humanitarian aid. But he took no further action beyond suspending a military shipment against Israel last month.Biden’s eager support for Israel in the war against Hamas has emerged as a political liability. lost popularity especially with young Democrats; Biden is running again in the US presidential election this year.

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