There is a need to reform the quota in government jobs at a logical level : Housing and Public Works Minister

আপডেট: July 13, 2024 |

Housing and Public Works Minister Ram Ubaidul Moktadir Chowdhury MP has commented that there is a need to reform the quota in government jobs at a logical level.

Ubaidul Moktadir said, “We think there is a need to preserve the quota.” Also, the quotas which are unreasonably reserved, need to be rationalized. That is what we are working on and will do.

He said, ‘quota is mentioned in the constitution. Quota is necessary for the advancement of backward communities.’

The minister also said, ‘Freedom fighters do not need quota for themselves. Their children are also now out of quota. Now others will be given or not? The government will take the decision as per the instructions given by the court.

He urged the students to leave the agitation and concentrate on their studies.

The Minister of Housing and Public Works said this while speaking as the chief guest at the inauguration ceremony of Dadabhai Housing Estate under National Housing Authority in Shibchar Upazila of Madaripur on Saturday (July 13) afternoon. Minister and Chief Whip of Jatiya Sangsad Noor-e-Alam Chowdhury planted saplings in Dadabhai suburb.

Chief Whip was the special guest on the occasion.

Besides, Secretary of Housing and Public Works Ministry Nabirul Islam, Chairman of National Housing Authority Hamidur Rahman, Additional Secretary Abdul Matin, Madaripur Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Marufur Rashid Khan, Madaripur Zilla Parishad Chairman Monir Chowdhury, Superintendent of Police Mohammad Shafiur Rahman and others were present.

Earlier, the minister visited the site of the proposed Mujib Convention Center in Kanthalbari Union of Shibchar Upazila. He inaugurated the Agricultural Technology Fair organized by Shivchar Upazila Parishad.

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