Keir Sturmer is going to become the next Prime Minister of Britain

আপডেট: July 4, 2024 |

A political shake-up in Britain’s general election is a certainty on Thursday – according to opinion polls. According to that account, the collapse of the conservative Tory party is imminent after nearly 14 years of continuous power. In that case, it is assumed that Keir Sturmer, the leader of the opposition Labor Party, is going to become the next Prime Minister of Britain by ousting Rishi Sunak.

According to political observers, the Tory party has been in power for so long, but extreme infighting and instability within the party is one of the reasons for its decline in popularity.

The prime minister has changed five times in the last eight years. As a result, voters are finally demanding a change in the country’s leadership. Not many actively support the Labor Party. Instead, the opposition Labor Party could capitalize on anger against the Tories.

Sturmer admits that even if he comes to power, the party will have a huge responsibility. “Today, Britain can start a new chapter,” he told the New Statesman newspaper. But that won’t happen if the Conservatives are in power for another five years. Only voting Labor will change.

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Cornered Tory Party leader Rishi Sunak has come under fire even within the party for announcing a general election months before the end of his term. Virtually accepting the party’s lack of popularity, he is campaigning for elections instead of directly calling for re-elections, warning voters about what the country will be like if Labor comes to power. On polling day, he said, if Labor forms the next government, tax rates will rise, the economic recovery process will stall and Britain will be more vulnerable in this period of geopolitical tension.

Abnormal price increases in Britain due to crises such as Brexit, the corona pandemic and the war in Ukraine are having a profound impact on the lives of ordinary people. But in protest, like neighboring France, the majority of voters in that country are trusting center-left forces rather than the far-right camp.

If the opinion polls predict the Labor Party will win by a huge margin. However, the final result is expected to depend on voter turnout and last-minute decision-making behavior. On top of that, the influential tabloid newspaper The Sun supported Sturmer.
Nigel Farage’s sudden emergence as the leader of the right-wing Reform UK party is also being blamed for the potential collapse of the Tory party. The moderate Lib Dem party may also do well in the election. Labour’s confidence has also been boosted after the good results in Scotland. After polling closes at 9pm local time on Thursday, the Boothferat survey will be released from 10am.

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