We have given the biggest budget in the history of Bangladesh : PM Shiekh Hasina

আপডেট: June 29, 2024 |

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina does not consider the proposed budget for the financial year 2024-25 ambitious at all. He said, “I don’t think the budget is ambitious at all. We set a goal. 100% is never fulfilled. Still we have a definite goal that we will go to. We were able to go that. He said these things while participating in the general discussion on the proposed budget for the financial year 2024-25 in the session of the National Assembly on Saturday (June 29) afternoon. Speaker at this time. Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury presided over the session. The Prime Minister said, where is the budget of 62 thousand crore rupees, and where is the budget of 7 lakh crore rupees. We have come to this place. It became possible not because I took the challenge. What is our desire? The fate of the people of the country has changed. That’s why development happens. We have formulated this budget and given the development budget for the purpose of continuing our development trend. There is nothing to reduce here. He said, ‘Within this budget, we will be able to implement the plan from 2021 to 2041. We have that consistency. We are a political party – Bangladesh Awami League. We have our own manifesto, but we announce the manifesto before the elections. We never forget this manifesto. We keep the promise to the nation that we have come to power by the people’s vote. Our election manifesto, its priority and the direction of changing people’s destiny have also come up in the budget. Sheikh Hasina said, ‘We have given the biggest budget in the history of Bangladesh. The size of the budget is seven lakh 97 thousand crores. Our annual development program is two lakh 65 thousand crore rupees. The growth target for the next financial year is 6.75 percent. So far, 234 members of parliament, including opposition leaders, have given speeches and given suggestions on the budget. Apart from this, many discussed the budget. I sincerely thank everyone who has discussed and criticized the budget. He said, “Some have called the budget ambitious, some have called it a deficit budget.” Some time ago, the leader of the opposition said, “It is not possible to implement this budget, we have to reduce the growth rate, reduce the annual development program and so on.” And whether they have the capacity to take up this challenge or not. Taking the challenge is our job. We want to continue with the challenge, we are moving forward with the challenge. The Prime Minister said, “Today, Bangladesh has been seated in the seat of dignity all over the world. Today’s Bangladesh is not a begging Bangladesh. We plan development, implement it and change people’s destiny. To those who do not see the changes – go to the village. The change in the fortunes of the village people will also be seen in Ershad Sahib’s manga which is not in North Bengal. Famine continued in various areas including Kurigram, Nilphamari, Rangpur, Gaibandha. I rushed there, gave food aid to the people. Village after village I went to, people had no flesh on their bodies – just skin and bones. Now I can change people’s fate.

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